Project Description
FOMB partnered with Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC) in 2019 to raise the final $150,000.00 needed to purchase 13 acres of rare, undeveloped land in the tidewater area of Grover’s Creek, encompassing pristine shoreline and upland forest on north Miller Bay. FOMB worked on forest restoration for this land, clearing invasive species and planting native hemlock and cedar trees. With its mature, native trees and lush overhanging plants, this property provides critical protection and habitat for juvenile salmon feeding on insects and plankton. A variety of NW Bird species nest in the forest’s mossy undergrowth and forage along the water. At low tide the estuary waters recede, revealing expansive mudflats and a meandering stream that runs to the mouth of Grover’s Creek. It is a beautiful pocket of Preserved land, we call Miller Bay Preserve.
The Miller Bay Preserve lies adjacent to GPC’s Kawahara Preserve and a 40-acre forest property owned by the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The 13-acre preserve links these three properties, and together they protect 56 acres of forest and 1,575 continuous feet of shoreline. These conserved acres provide an important wildlife corridor for deer, river otter, and black bear. The Preserve also protects critical habitat for endangered chinook salmon and steelhead trout, as well as chum and coho salmon, and cutthroat trout.

Area Map

Status &
Current Activities
Our on-going stewardship program is active and effective! Volunteers attend monthly work parties to remove invasive species (primarily holly and ivy). We can always use more help. Please consider coming to a work party this year! A new goal is to get other community groups and business involved in the future.

Partnerships & Acknowledgements
Friends of Miller Bay gratefully acknowledges our partners in this Project:
Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC)
Our generous community

For More Information
For more information or to volunteer contact the Stewardship & Restoration Program Director by email @