What We Do
We work to conserve, preserve and protect natural habitat by stewarding land preserves within the Miller Bay watershed. Our work includes organizing work parties to remove invasive species, plant native plants and maintain safe access within the preserves. We also inform and educate our community to actively engage in preserving our natural habitats. We fundraise in support of our goals to ensure natural spaces will be here for future generations.
When people hear “Friends of Miller Bay” they probably think our work protects the water and tidelands surrounding the actual bay, but our area of concern extends to the whole watershed, and that area is much larger than one might imagine.
Where We Do It
The Miller Bay watershed incorporates the major tributaries of both Cowling Creek and Grovers Creek, plus all the smaller, minor creeks that flow into Miller Bay and out to the Puget Sound. Surprisingly, this area reaches north toward Eglon, south to Suquamish, west to Port Gamble Road and has a jagged edge toward the east, incorporating some of Kingston, up to Parcells Road. The Miller Bay watershed includes several land preserves, wildlife corridors, North Kitsap Heritage Park, portions of Port Madison Reservation, salmon spawning creeks, lush woodlands, and residential areas. It’s big! And protecting it will make a big impact!